This course provides an understanding of valves selection, operation, maintenance and how they interact for optimum system performance. Additionally, participants will receive expert guidance in making cost-effective decisions and tips for avoiding poor system operation. Learn hydraulic theory as it applies to valves systems, as well as criteria for their selection. This course offers a unique opportunity to learn more about the interaction of system equipment items and their applications.
This course would benefit applications engineers; industrial and public works engineers and managers; general and mechanical contractor project managers and estimators; systems designers; and operations and maintenance personnel. Operations & maintenance people with less formal but hands-on technical experience will also benefit.
Bring actual problems from your job experience. Problems will be answered in class or on an individual basis, depending on the complexity of the application.
Introduction to Valves
The Valve. Valve Classification According to Function. Classification According to Application. Classification According to Motion. Classification According to Port Size. Common Piping Nomenclature.