Handal Consulting & Training

Customized Training

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Handal Consulting & Training

Customized Training from Handal Consulting and Training gives you the choice of what training do you want with best method. We will design to provide a convenient an intelligent way for ReliabilitySafety, Maintenance and Management topics with your requirements and premises. There are can be divided into seven major groups but not limited to the following:

Engineering & Management

1. Customised Training for MECHANICAL

The Piping Systems & Pipeline Code establishes rules of the design, inspection, maintenance and repair of piping systems and pipelines throughout the world. The objective of the rules is to provide a margin for deterioration in service. This course will centre on the on the practical aspects of piping and pipeline design, integrity, maintenance and repair.

This course will be introduced to the latest techniques and research in piping and pipeline integrity to analyze a degraded condition due to either corrosion or mechanical damage. It also will gain an in-depth knowledge of pipe and fitting material specifications, manufacturing, fabrication process and their influence on mechanical properties of strength and toughness, to help in material selection and failure analysis.

This course provides an understanding of valves selection, operation, maintenance and how they interact for optimum system performance. Additionally, participants will receive expert guidance in making cost-effective decisions and tips for avoiding poor system operation. Learn hydraulic theory as it applies to valves systems, as well as criteria for their selection. This course offers a unique opportunity to learn more about the interaction of system equipment items and their applications.

This course will be discussed to the more specific in terms of; Valve Classification According to Function, Application, Motion. Port Size, ccommon Piping Nomenclature, Valve Selection Criteria, Manual Valves, Check Valves (CHV), Pressure Relief Valves (PRV), Control Valves (CV), Actuators and Actuation Systems, and Common-Valve Problem

CAESAR II is the Pipe Stress Analysis standard against which all others are measured and compared. The CAESAR II spreadsheet input technique revolutionized the way piping models are built, modified, and verified. CAESAR II was the first pipe stress program specifically designed for the PC environment. The interactive capabilities permit rapid evaluation of both input and output, thereby melding seamlessly into the “design – analyze” iteration cycle.
CAESAR II incorporates a wide range of capabilities, from numerous piping codes, to expansion joint, valve & flange, and structural databases, to structural and buried pipe modelling, to equipment and vessel nozzle evaluation, to spectrum and time history analysis.

This course is gain an Introduction to Piping Stress Analysis and Practice, and is also provide a real works in industry using CAESAR II Software aplication.

This course presents the fundamental of gear design and appreciation of the flexibility of the involute system with its ability to accomodate arbitary centre distance and ration using only standard tooth forms, are essential knowledge for those concerned with gearing. As this is still less widely understood than might be expected, even by some already in the industry, and the topics are neglected in much engineering education, the is continuing need for a specialist post-experience course giving clear explanations.

This aim of this course is to consider and give a basic understanding of gear geometry and design procedures. A brief introduction to manufacture is included, as is metrology and tolerancing. On this short course will be reinforced by classroom tutorials

2. Customized Training for CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION

Traditionally in many manufacturing facilities, there has been an enormous gap between the plant floor and the Office Platform. Management Personnel cannot access the plant data (typically PLCs) in directly because of the systems limitation.It will be made a weak information, or in the other word, the data always late. This is will be a serious problem if the plant location and management level are separated in the remote area. Because of this, the integration system being a must, and nowadays the technology is available. This course are covering the knowledge of Plant to office data integration especially Integrate of PLC’s System on Process Control network to the office management application on the Business network domain. All aspect of PLC Module, Communication and Data Integration, Local Area Network (LAN) Terminology and Topology, Business application software and its integration to PLC will be explained by the Instructor of this training program.
After completing this training program, participants should be able to understand the configuration and lay-out of PLC system programming, Network Setting, OPC/DDE Technology, HMI implementation, Historical Database setup configuration, Data Link to Office Application and many others.

In this hyper competitive market era, the technology has been changed significantly in last two decade. The real maintenance data is strongly influenced to the decision will be made. A Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) refers to a system that collects data from various sensors at a factory, plant or in other remote locations and then sends this data to a central computer which then manages and controls the data. SCADA is a term that is used broadly to portray control and management solutions in a wide range of industries. Some of the industries where SCADA is used are Water Management Systems, Electric Power, Traffic Signals, Mass Transit Systems, Environmental Control Systems, and Manufacturing Systems. One of key processes of SCADA is the ability to monitor an entire system in real time. This is facilitated by data acquisitions including meter reading, checking statuses of sensors that are communicated at regular intervals depending on the system. Besides the data being used by the Remote Terminal Units RTU, it is also displayed to a human that is able to interface with the system to override settings or make changes when necessary.
This four days course enhances your performance on theoretical analysis and real work in term of a handling SCADA System at the plant facilities. This course is also designed to allow engineers for design from scratch, modify and add-on to existing SCADA systems, use the system as a fault finding tool and have an appreciation of the potential of systems.

A digital signal processing equipment is widely used by engineers and scientist in the ivestigation of environmental and engineeringproblems. The aim of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the techniques of signal processing with particular emphasis on the practical aspects of the subject.
This short course will be covered; measurement and recording priciples, digital data acquisition, pre-processing techniques, analysis in the frequency, time and amplitude domains, fouries series, Fourier transform and FFT, sources of error in practical spectral analysis, frequency response and coherence functions, correlation analysis and applications, practical problems associated with digital signal analysis. This short course also provide a practical demonstrations and workshop sessions and will be held each day to reinforce concept introduced in the classroom.

3. Customized Training for ENERGY CONVERSION

It is difficult to imagine spending an entire day without using energy. Energy is extremely needed in order to serve several activities such as; production, power plant, transportation, HVAC, others. Energy is increasingly one of the most significant costs to a business. Increasing fuel prices, restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions and a growing awareness of an enterprise’s carbon footprint are all forcing companies of all sizes to focus on energy management. Many companies are recognizing the importance of ensuring that that they have management systems in place to identify, manage and minimize their energy consumption, and popularly is called “Energy Conservation”. Clearly this leads to savings in costs, but it also demonstrates their corporate responsibility in regards to the environment.

This course deals with all aspects of energy efficiency and management systems that includes energy conservation, energy audit program and its implementation in industry. This program becomes a popular topic in formal education and also in industry. Therefore, it is necessary to share this method particularly for industry in order to accelerate their business without ignore the safe our earth program.

This course provide an understanding of pump design, application and system interaction and clear explanation in system selection and operating practices play key roles in ensuring that a the system provides reliable and economical performance.
This program will be discussed losses in fluid system including liquid, gas and sludge, system calculation, principles and design of rotodynamic and positive displacement pumps and compressors, cavitation, control valve design and behavior, matching of machines and systems, pump intakes for clean and wastewater, drive system, control and economics, pump selection and maintenance, fluid transient and prevention, simulation

4. Customized Training for MANAGEMENT

Corporates crisis can happen any time, if it happens and is not control or handling seriously, perhaps it would be spread instantaneously, not just with internal scale but also in external company, a little farther if the mass media will get involves on that crisis. There some factors influence the company crisis such as; internal management factor or external business situation, where this situation should be handled in faster response and perceptive
The aim of the course is to provide participants with the skills required, be able and better understand a techniques and tools for handling corporate crisis.

In this program we shall examine how process capability improvement can help bring “zero defects” concept close to reality, eliminating black art and blame culture and replace it of the causes of poor quality. Many of tools can be used to reach a satisfaction targets such as; SPC, DOE, Six Sigma. The focus will be on how these, and other the appropriate techniques is used to tackle quality problems, not on the underlying mathematics.
The objectives of this course is to learn process variability effect on quality and performance, study how OEE can help you identify, progressively reduce, the six waste processes and learn how statistical techniques, problem solving methodologies and Total Productive Manufacturing techniques can work together to bring about dramatic improvements in process capability.

5. Customised Training for RELIABILITY & MAINTENANCE


In this era, manufacturing is necessary to know the reliability of their product. This course provides an introduction to various reliability engineering and risk management tools and their application to reliability assessment at the design state.

The objectives of this reliability training is to introduce engineers in design and manufacturing organizations to the discipline of reliability engineering and risk management, and also to develop skill and knowledge to support systems reliability analysis and technical risk analysis in design.

Practical Application of Vibration Monitoring & Analysis is designedto meet the Predictive & Preventive maintenance system requirement byproviding an intensive overview and the core skills and knowledgerequired to become and remain a successful PREVENTIVE AND PREVENTIVE MANAGEMENT system. The principles of monitoring the health of plant machinery by checking vibration are straightforward. All operating machines vibrate. Since an increase in vibration almost always accompanies deterioration in running conditions, it is possible to gain information about a machine’s condition by monitoring vibration levels.
This course provide a Vibration analysis in order to achieve the standard requirements and company objectives, it is extremely important element for successful predictive and preventive maintenance, machinery condition monitoring and reliability

Reliable operation of the rotating equipment in any plant is its lifeblood. Engineers must have an integrated viewpoint focusing on it through design, operation and maintenance. This seminar comprehensively presents from such an integrated viewpoint state-0f-the-art techniques and methodologies for improving reliability of rotating equipment. Topics include maintenance philosophies and strategies, their relationships to each other, and their effective application; machinery condition monitoring; machinery condition assessment and asset management; effective fault diagnosis techniques; failure mode and causal analysis; life-cycle strategies to promote increased reliability; reliability improvement program development and implementation including structure and personnel considerations; and business ramifications of reliability improvement. The course will comprise lectures and workshop to maximize your benefits. Additionally, an optional “Question and Answer” period is included to provide you with opportunity to get expert answers on your specific questions.

Reliability Centered Maintenance and Risk Based Inspection training offer a new approach and tool in Industrial Maintenance Program Development. These program is a methodology used to cost effective maintenance and inspections that preserves the intended functions of equipment and system. The development of these tools use an available the codes and standards such as; RCM (SAE), RBI(API, ASME). In this era, the RCM and RBI is a common tool in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, power plant, and the others industry. The concept of these methodogies is to determine the risk mapping and plant reliability through to determine an approriate maintenance tasks and inspections.

This course is designed to answer the requirement of reliability, mainteinance engineering, management and information technology. It also provide the Computerized Aided Risk Management Program (CARISMA-PRO) software practicing version for the participants for they exercising.


The technical meaning of maintenance involves functional checks, servicing, repairing or replacing of necessary devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and supporting utilities in industrial process plant.

This Maintenance Management Training is designed for market players how to design factory maintenance management in various industries effectively and efficiently and can be implemented in order to support the production process without neglecting quality, reliability and work safety based on current international standards such as SAE JA 1011, SAE JA 1012, ISO, ASME and others.

6. Customised Training for MATERIALS

Burned pressure vessels; deformed pipes; corroded storage tank;cracked flanges. Should we replace those equipment’s? Is it still operable? If so, then is it still operable within required conditions? Is it really safe to operate? Question no more, FFS Assessment can answer it. An FFS assessment is an engineering analysis of equipment to determine whether it is fit for continued service. The equipment may contain flaws/damaged areas, may not comply with current design standards, or maybe subject to more severe operating conditions than the design conditions.

The result of an FFS assessment is a decision to alter, repair, monitor, or replace the equipment. FFS assessment may also provide guidance on appropriate inspection intervals or remaining life estimation depends on flaw type and severity.

FFS assessments employ analytical methods to assess flaws/damage andrequire an interdisciplinary approach with an understanding of:

Damage mechanisms and material behavior.
• Past and future operating conditions.
• NDT examination techniques (flaw location and sizing).
• Material properties (environmental effects).
• Stress analysis (finite element analysis, FEA)
• Data analysis (engineering reliability models).T
The use of FFS assessment can extend the useful life of aging equipment. In some cases, it allows new equipment with acceptable flaws/damage to enter service, resulting in the avoidance of repair or replacement in situations in which the conventional codes would have required massive efforts. Thus greatly reducing costs and time required for equipment replacement/repair.

This course provides a knowledge that relating to thermodynamic of corrosion such as; electrode reactions, potential. Simple cells, electro-mechanical series, galvanic series, Nernst equation, common cathodic reaction. General corrosion, Pourbaix diagram, Corrosion Kinetics; Polarization diagrams. Practical Measurements, Passivity, Corrosion Mechanism: Effect of oxygen and carbon dioxide, Galvanic Corrosion, Pitting and crevice corrosion, Mechanical interactions, Microbial corrosion, Corrosion of welds, Stress Corrosion Cracking, Hydrogen embrittlement and effect of H2S, High temperature corrosion, Corrosion Control: paints, cathodic protection, Corrosion resistant alloys, Corrosion monitoring, Control by Design.
At the end of the course delegates should; have a better knowledge of the principles of corrosion and the factors that affect its rate, be able to recognize the main types of corrosion and be aware of the conditions under which they can occur, understand the principal methods of corrosion protection and be able to select appropriate methods of corrosion control.

A damage of component and industrial equipment is resulted from the phenomenon of corrosion that took the very big portion from maintenance cost. There are, two approaches to handling this problem, the main cause phenomenon of corrosion and the management aspect. As a result, hopefully, the similar damage will not be happened in the future. From both approach should be worked simultaneously, So that; precaution and the provisions resources for covers corrosion problem in factory will be focused and surely, it saved the company resources.

After attended this control management and coating technology training, the participants have been founded the valuable knowledge about handling technique to manage a damage component is resulted from the phenomenon of corrosion and anticipated them. Hopefully, this skill will be applied in the real work for handling the failure cases of component/equipment.

This materials in the industry application training  will discusses the introduction to materials usage in industrial engineering i.e; pipeline, jack-ups and process equipment, structural steels – C-Mn ferrite-pearlite structural steels, specifications and influence of composition, heat treatment and microstructure on mechanical, fracture; weldability and the influence of welding on mechanical properties, steel castings; the use of high strength steels, pipeline steels; effect of processing train refinement, thermo mechanical treatment and accelerated cooled steels (TMCP), effect of composition, inclusions, grain size and production route on mechanical properties, corrosion resistant materials; stainless steel-asthenic, ferritic, martensitic and duplex stainless , non metallic materials.

After completing this training program, participants should understand the basis of selection of specific materials (steels, stainless steels, polymers, composites, cooper and nickel based corrosion resistant alloys for different applications industry, have knowledge of design codes and their relevance to, and influence on, the specification of materials in industry application, have a broad knowledge of how the chemical composition, microstructure and processing route for steel components influence the resulting mechanical properties, be able to recommend particular materials for particular industry application, including distinguishing between various steel and stainless steel and corrosion resistant materials.

7. Customised Training for HEALTH, SAFEETY and ENVIRONMENTAL

Starting from many accidents in industry such as; ALOHA ACCIDENT (Airlines Industry), PIPER ALPHA (Oil & Gas), CHERNOBIL (nuclear power), MINAMATA, others. Generally, Engineering discipline and especially in Safety areas is needed to straighten up and significantly improve their system in term of SAFETY ENGINEERING in the last two decades.

Reliability Engineering is strongly influenced and provides a better idea in Risk Management that also offers a new approach to control and manage PLANT for “SAFE” condition. Risk Based Approach is normally method in order to achieve the Risk Accepted Criteria that has beed already determined, where, if this method is used to operate the plant, hopefully, the management will be reduced the operation cost. This course will be provided a knowledge that intend to use practically in real works to analyze structures

This course determines a advanced reliability prediction techniques: stress-strength interface modelling stochastic design principles, component reliability, “burn in”, application of FMECA and FTA in design, Bayesian estimation, design reviews, Maintainability/Availability; renewal energy theory, planned maintenance, Age and block maintenance, Availability simulation, Project risk management, financial risk management and Asset Risk Management: Concept of Risk, health, safety, assets and loss. Principles and best practice.

By the the end of this course participants should possess an knowledge of risk management techniques and strategies used in applicable organizations and also understand the financial implications involved with assessing the maintenance and risk factors of the industry projects

This program will be introduced a concept risk, risk criteria and reliability engineering. It also determine a FMECA and HAZOPS; use of failure modes and effects analysis to identify system and component failure, use of qualitative risk matrices. Hazard and operability studies to identify hazard, Reliability data: types, data collection methods and data source, example failure rate data, Human Reliability analysis and accident causation: Major accident sequences, risk perception and control of risk, Formal Safety Assessment, Quantitative Risk Assessment, Availability modelling.

At the end of this program the participants should have a basic understanding of the concept of risk and its application in the industry, have a basic understanding of reliability analysis techniques and the mathematical basis of risk and reliability, be able to apply reliability block diagrams, fault tree anda event tree analysis to the assessment of the system industrial.

This basic safety training is designed as a first step and fundamental of knowledge in HSE for all employee, hopefully, in the future will be contributed to keep the all system in a company work properly. Nevertheless, it can reduce, avoid, or counteract the accident in that industry and can be enhanced an employee welfare and reducing a company losses.

The objective of this course is provided an understanding of safety engineering and its application in industry so that to motivate the employee in order to implement HSE in their working environment, the participants will be able to use a risk methods for production control program, to increase the employee care for HSE and company for avoid and reduce the accident, risk both company morale and physics

HAZOPS (Hazards and Operability Studies)
This HAZOPs training presents a different hazard identification technique, Hazard & Operability Study: Basic Concept & Methodology, Terminology, building the HAZOP team, risk acceptance criteria on the HAZOP study, details HAZOP process, HAZOP procedures, HAZOP assessment and results, HAZOP recommendations and HAZOP. The aim of the course is to provide participants with the skills required to be able to better understand a methods and tools for HAZOP studies. This techniques are taught but with the emphasis on how these are relevant to the industry.

This course is to provide the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) that is a systematic approach to identifying and controlling hazards (i.e. microbiological, chemical or physical) and it could pose a danger to the preparation of safe food. HACCP involves identifying what can go wrong and planning to prevent it. In simple terms, to control the safety of ingredients and supplies coming into a food business and what is done with them thereafter. Principally, the HCCP is an approach to know and measure a specific threat that could avoid and protect a food safety. It is also the tools that could be used to measure of the hazard level, possible to predict the risk and determine the precisely level with the aim of control them with focusing in prevention and manage carefully the food production. It is necessary to know that the HCCP is adjusted to the design development, procedure and food technology. The objective of this course is provided an understanding of food safety engineering and its application in food industry

Customized Training (Schedule Table)

Training Name


Training Fees

Training Schedule

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