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Konsultan Training Health dan Safety Terbaik: Handal Training
Training Preventive and Predictive Maintenance
2 Days Training
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Best Practices in Preventive Predictive Maintenance

Classroom, Webinar

Best Practices in Preventive and Predictive Maintenance


The best practices in Preventive and Predictive Maintenance (PM & PdM) training comprehensive 2-day is designed to benefit both qualified new professionals as well as experienced professionals who may be involved in the plant maintenance activities and also active to auditing an existing system. It covers all the pathway required in developing a successful designing for preventive and predictive maintenance schedule from system development until an achieve  maintenance system is in place and operational. So, the goal of this training to solve the challenges of maintenance strategy without running to failure or replacing a healthy part.

The successfully maintenance strategy is extremely depend on maintenance management system and also is a critical part of Plant Operation, effective planned and predictive maintenance. Those program are critical for a successful company and an integral part of maintenance management strategies such as Asset Integrity Management, RCM, RBI, TPM, and even Six Sigma with comply international standars, such as: SAE, API and others.



To provide the participants the comprehensive training on preventive and predictive maintenance and how to implement the effective maintenance:

  1. Maintenance strategy and Risk in Operation Business
  2. Reliability factor in maintenance
  3. Planning and scheduling
  4. Maintenance budgeting
  5. Managing preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance


  1. Maintenance managers
  2. Operation managers
  3. Production managers
  4. Maintenance Engineers and supervisors
  5. Service Engineers and supervisors
  6. Work-over engineers and supervisors
  7. Logistic managers & staffs


  1. Maintenance Management that concern in product life cycle, life cycle cost, cost effectiveness, total life cycle cost visibility, maintenance definition, maintenance category, optimum maintenance.
  2. Maintenance Information Flow Purposes of maintenance information flow, maintenance work order, design of Work order, work order types, three main parts of work order.
  3. Managing Preventive and Predictive Maintenance, PM strategy for equipment life cycles, justifying PM expenditures, PM System installation, access to equipment, PM frequency, common task, staffing the PM effort, strategies to get PM done, steps to install PM system, survey, PM system improve professionalism, advantages of predictive maintenance, failure in machinery/equipment, some techniques in predictive maintenance.
  4. Managing Risk that discuss risk definition and terminology, risk mitigation, equipment criticality and risk management in relation to maintenance activity.
  5. Maintenance Performance Indicators that concern on performance measures versus benchmark, measuring mpi
  6. Reliability Factors Reliability function, failure rate and mean time between maintenance (MTBF), mean time to failure (MTTF), mean time to first failure (MTFF), probability of survival, probability growth curve.
  7. Maintenance Effectiveness that discuss customer service with optimum profit, key requirements, leaderships development, CMMS and optimizing
  8. Workshops


Preventive and Predictive Maintenance
Training Preventive and Predictive Maintenance

Preventive and Predictive Maintenance MHU
Training Preventive and Predictive Maintenance MHU

Preventive Predictive Maintenance
Training Preventive Predictive Maintenance


Training Schedule

Gelombang 1:
10 March - 11 March 2025
Gelombang 2:
2 June - 3 June 2025
Gelombang 3:
4 August - 5 August 2025
Gelombang 4:
6 October - 7 October 2025

Training Instructor

Ir. Alfino. Alwie M.Sc
Instructor Background:
More than 25 years experience in Industry such as: 12 (Twelve) Years experience in Aircraft industry, that includes; investigation of design for improved civil aircraft maintainability, high temperature oxidation alloys and on job training at several Europe companies, such as: Airbus Industry & Rolls Royce, Britania Airways. 18 (Eighteen) years in Oil & Gas, Petrochemical Industries, i.e: PETRONAS, Trans Thailand Malaysia (TTM) for Process Safety Management training and review, Santos-Indonesia Process Safety Management Internal Audit, FPSO Belanak CONOCOPHILIPS, Unocal-West Seno, SAPI-HANOVER, TOTAL PECIKO 3-4, CNOOC especially in Safety Management System Review for certification purposes, as Independent Certification Team (ICT)-MIGAS and also active to develop Risk Based Inspection, Reliability Centered Maintenance and Risk Assessment such as: KONDUR PSA, RBUI-BP-Indonesia, CNOOC, EXXONMOBIL, BP-Sub marine Pipelines, PT PUPUK KALTIM Tbk, PT. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak. Qualification: Master degree from Cranfield University, UK especially in the field of Safety, Reliability, Availability and Maintainability, as a member Safety & Reliability Society & Institution Occupational, Safety & Health UK. Course attended: Advance Reliability Analysis (Cranfield School of Engineering, U.K), Certified Managing Safely by IOSH, U.K, others

Training Fees


Rp. 7.250.000,- /peserta
*NOT-INCLUDED: Tax & Bank Administration Fees.


  • Training modules, merchandise, seminar kit, training certificate, 2 x coffee break & lunch.


Rp. 3.850.000,- /peserta
*NOT-INCLUDED: Tax & Bank Administration Fees.


  • E-modul, e-certificate.